Monday, March 21, 2011

no more catchy titles.

i made some friends today while taking my husband a snack. 
okay they didnt really want to be my friends.
they flew away.

since you all guessed what the weekend holds for us... umm just kidding, ill tell you.
yes! we are going to a dogwood farm.
okay maybe not a dogwood farm, but definitely the dogwood state.
yay for north carolina!
we are super excited to spend time with our family and friends!
and the temperature on saturday is supposed to be in the 90's.
hollaaaa. i hear sundresses calling my name.
the only thing we are dreading is that lovely 10 hour drive. but it is totally worth it.
i just want you to know that the southern seminary campus is one of the most beautiful that i have ever seen. i mean besides meredith college of course.

the sad news of the night is that there is no bachelor anymore.
if i can just make it two months until may 23, i can have the bachelorette.
i feel the withdrawals setting in. this means more crafting. and boy do i have some for yall.
guess you'll have to come back! 


  1. well, i trusted my husband on that one. but i just looked it up and it says 66. hopefully it will change.

  2. counting the days....i'm so excited
