Wednesday, March 16, 2011

i smell spring.

just for starters, my husband surprised me with a redbox tonight. he picked "the next three days" and omg, oh my word, dear heavens this movie will keep you on your toes the whole entire movie. it is stressing me out. i had to leave the room. but now im just listening to it and j is commentating. 

i have to mention that it is one of my dear best friend's (sista sista gansta gansta as we used to say freshman year) 23rd birthday. i remember celebrating her 19th birthday. oh she is getting so old. but i need you to know how dear to my heart she is and just how special she is. we have only been able to celebrate two birthdays on the day together because school and different things have kept us apart but we always find a way to celebrate it together. 
lh- i hope you have had an amazing birthday and i cant wait for many more.

hello 19th birthday throw back picture.

this is us celebrating birthdays this fall.
my two best friends from college.
lesley ann and laura hunter

now on to the days activities.
when i got home from work, my lovely dear wanted to go to the park and walk and it was absolutely gorgeous today so i was more than willing. we still dont know where we are going around this gigantic town, so we took a little while trying to find the park. well, we were somewhat mistaken and didnt ever actually find it. so we ended up just driving and exploring, which i was happy with because my sunglasses were on and the windows were down and i was with my favorite person. luckily we stumbled across this gorgeous scene.
there were winding roads and deep valleys and brooks running through them. there was even a waterfall, inconveniently located on the other side of a no trespassing sign and the zoom lens didnt make it on this trip. (oh but it will when i have the new trusty camera bag). we just happen to stumble across it while the sun was going down- perfect timing! and we just loved enjoying God's beautiful creation. sadly we couldnt get back there if we tried. i never knew anything like this existed in our town, but the gps said this is the road we live off of. we are assuming pretty far away though. 
may we be blessed with many more days just like this... 
oh and go to redbox and rent that movie. 

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