Sunday, March 20, 2011


we did nothing fun today. haha. 
by that i mean we took a four mile walk to the seminary and back.
but sadly i didnt not take my camera...
although it was a good thing because i could barely bring myself back home.
anddd we were running late for church this morning so i decided to put my makeup on in the car. but to put your makeup on in the car you actually have to bring your makeup with you. so yes i went to church without makeup. God was teaching me to be humble and not proud. and that i dont need makeup even though i really think i do. 
(if we were back in brazil i wouldnt have even thought about it. let's go back j!)

moral of the story:
im out of shape and have no memory.

this cute little picture has been printed out and framed and is currently sitting on our computer desk.
(i would take a picture, but i didnt charge the camera battery.
ill work on that before tomorrow.)

but a) i love it because i love birds and b) it reminds us to be adventurous in our home.
okay- so not necessarily "in our home"... but in this city.
during our walk tonight we discussed the fact that we live here and how awesome it is that we have only been married 9 months (on thursday! wow!) and we get to live somewhere completely different and be our own people. and this is big for us because we have lived in the same area our whole life. but we have been here for 2 months and havent done much. we dont want to be standing at Southern on graduation day and regret our time here. we want to live it to the fullest and experience kentucky for all its glory. we want to know our way around without a gps. we want to be able to have our family come visit us here and say "lets go to this quaint little restaurant we know." or "lets go to this place we know just because we live here and discovered it." besides "becoming louisville", we also discussed our future and what it looks like to us. but at the end of that conversation we stated that it is not up to us. God is in control and he has a plan so no matter what we plan ourselves, His plan is ultimate and we are just going to honor him with what he brings our way. we even pointed out houses that we like and different things we like about the houses. all in all it was a good walk, besides the fact that i am out of shape. we are "planning" on it being a regular thing because we do live in this wonderful city that believes in sidewalks and pedestrians. and our goal is to be able to walk to the pie kitchen. (kinda defeats the purpose, but they have really good pie.)

get ready. tomorrow's monday.
but guess what the end of this week holds for us?

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