Tuesday, March 1, 2011

i will do this...

posting is terribly hard when you feel as if no one is listening... yes i like to think you hear my voice or some type of voice when you read this. but i will do this... i will. so as i listen to pandora again (they cut me off because i reached 40 hours of listening time... i need friends if i listen to music that much, at least it was mostly the shane and shane station) im going to tell you friends what is on this mind of mine.

so a quick recap...

our shower did not work, and when i say shower, i mean the faucet worked but not the head so this is what we "got" to do for a couple of days until the maintenance man could come by... because of course this happened on a saturday when he doesnt work. we took baths the five year old way. (sorry matthew and lauren, j grabbed it.)

 next, i did the laundry- always a good thing. but i washed j's wallet. oops. and the poor thing just isnt the same anymore.

sorry this isnt much... we havent mastered a social life here. ehhh...

we have officially been in this city (i will use no words to describe it) for 39 days. the weather for the past week has been rainy and no sun- which absolutely kills me- and then progressed to flash floods, winds strong enough to pick my car up, and tornados. but thank our dear Lord we are safe. and also something else to thank Him for, the sun came out today!! imagine my excitement. i wore my long forgotten sunglasses again. it was oh so magical!

well when i got home, my lovely mother had sent me a package... 
you see... when you decide to order something from ebay you need to first check and make sure the shipping isnt 30 dollars and then you need to make sure it didnt process your order even though you backed out. i did one of these things. can you guess which one i didnt do? well because of my "carelessness" (i call it fate), my mother got a wonderful email that said she won her bid- of course she said "What bid?" So my mom received this lovely gem below in the mail and being the wonderful woman she is, she (of course!) monogrammed it and added a bow for me and sent it on its way to KY. i was so excited when i got home from work today and opened it.  my husband was even more excited about it than i was... okay we all know thats not true. about the 5th time i pointed it out to him he said "it's great sweetie". haha. obviously he doesnt appreciate a good monogram and bow. 

but another fun fact is that we recieved a package yesterday too... 
my mother in law sent us my husbands bible that she accidently took home (i feel so bad that she had to pay shipping for the gigantic ESV study bible- 8 dollars in shipping to be exact) and many spices for me to cook with and a cute little umbrella... 
i guess she watches our weather too. 

this week is just full of many fun surprises from home... including a tentative date to visit our favorite state at the end of this month. thats right, you guessed it. we are making our first trip home and this girl could not be more excited. we just miss our families, friends, and home church more than we can imagine. 
oh you want to see pictures of them... im so glad you asked!

my absolutely precious sisters in law and cousin in law!

the "band of thieves" as we like to call ourselves.

my dad and my grandpa. :) two of my favorite men.

my lovely momma!

my wonderful in laws.

amazing women from our church... 
wish i could show you all the amazing women 
but apparently i dont take as many pictures as i think i do.

and their super super cute kids! 
they look just like their mommas.

there are so many more, but like i said... where are the pictures? :)

okay sorry friends, this was terribly long and maybe i shouldnt post all this. but i am. or maybe i should just post more often... yep thats definitely it. and of course, thank you for reading! :)

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