Sunday, July 29, 2012

talk about endorphins

guys! i did it. i ran my first 5k this morning. 
but more importantly than that.
i can officially call myself a color runner.

this is how it all started. 
i registered in april.
i started training. bought some really awesome shoes and fell in love with running shorts.
then friends started getting married and it got hot. so i didn't train as much.

but nonetheless... i wasn't going to be held back from some awesome color party.

on friday afternoon i got my highly anticipated race pack.
it contained incredibly important things...
such as a race map (which made me say "what have i done?") 
and a COLOR PACK!!! (which made me say "i have done something awesome!")

so this morning i put my number on
and laced up my shoes... really awesome shoes at that!
and prepared myself to officially be a color runner.
(and ironed my husbands pants for church like a good wife.)

here are the before pictures!
(so fresh and so clean.)

and the really cool "we are waiting in line and taking sooo many pictures photos".

now we run jog trot!
white meets orange.
and then it meets yellow!
and then it meet some other colors that weren't properly documented.

and then all the colors met each other in one big color extravaganza.

im not sure if crossing the finish line or being in a giant color cloud was the best part,
but both were so exhilarating.

until next color run, my friends. 

i am so thankful for awesome adventurous friends that are willing 
to run/dance through colored cornstarch with me and act like a fool. 

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